Trish Colson-Montgomery

Trish Colson-Montgomery

Guest of Kate Jenkins

Studio 115

Arts & Industry Building

221 Pine Street

Florence, MA 01069


Textiles at the Mill

 (413) 695-7603

 About ten years ago, Trish ate dinner with some friends of her mom’s.  One of them was a master weaver who described his weaving journey.  Intrigued by his story, Trish signed up for a learn-to-weave class at WEBS, liked it a lot, and, after that very brief exposure, signed up for the four-year weaving program at Hill Institute.  She made it through and obtained her Master Weaver certificate in June, 2021.

 The functionality of cloth drives Trish’s weaving.  Her items are not intended to be merely decorative but are woven to be used.  Satisfaction for her comes when someone tells her they have worn out a piece of her weaving through constant use and would like a replacement.

 Much of Trish’s weaving is in the form of yardage which she then sews into various items including pillows, totes, and pouches. Currently she is engaged in finding ways to use every scrap of leftover handwoven.

Detail of Trish Colson-Montgomery’s weaving.